Follow the Energy
Posted on 22. Feb, 2010 by Ken Bechtel in The Goo Blog
Have you ever felt like you needed to do something like write a paper for school, clean the house or get a report done for work, but just could not seem to do it. Try as you may, you just could not make it happen.
Everything was easier and more enticing to do than the task at hand. Checking email, doing laundry, doing your taxes, cleaning the office, baking cookies. You name it, virtually anything could distract you from what you wanted to get accomplished.
I was in this exact situation last week as I desperately tried to get the copy written for a promotional piece for my upcoming radio show. Effort, effort, effort. I was so frustrated at not getting this done, but I just could not get myself to sit down and write it.
Then I was reminded of something my friend and co-conspirator, Jeffrey Allen, once said. He said, “I just follow the energy.”
Simply put, he pays attention to what he does feel like doing with the awareness that whatever he is drawn to in the moment is what the Universe is supporting for him right then.
So I stopped beating myself up by telling myself how stupid an pathetic I was for not being able to write my promo copy and I walked away from it. I did what I was drawn to, which was snow shoeing with my friend, and forgot about it.
Sure enough, I had a fantastic afternoon snow shoeing, came home refreshed and happy. And wouldn’t you know it, I sat down to write and the promo copy just spilled right out with no effort at all.
So next time you find yourself frustrated with the task at hand, stop and check in with your awareness. Â Ask what is the Universe supporting me to do right now? Â Then trust the answer you get. Â You’ll be surprised at how much easier life gets when you get out of your own way and follow the energy.
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