Shadows are Dynamite

Posted on 17. Feb, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Have you ever done something that you were certain was going to go so right only to have it blow up in your face? If you are like me, this has happened more than once in your lifetime.

It can take all kinds of forms.  From preparing a special meal for someone only to find out they can’t stand some of the ingredients, to accepting a job you are sure will propel you in your career but it turns out to be a nightmare or even the classic, offering a kiss to someone and then they turn away from it.

All of these feel like dark experiences.  Like shadows.  Those dark places we tend to avoid.

The beauty is that shadows are dynamite.  When these situations blow up in our face they break loose whatever energy was there to cause them in the first place.  Just like dynamite breaks up whatever it is next to when it explodes.

More often than not, it is some form of communication that needs to be set free.  Some level of trusting our instincts.

Whether it is not asking our special someone if they like beets or strawberries or brussel sprouts before making a meal.  Or asking our prospective employer how many hours a week we will have to work to make that highly anticipated step up the corporate ladder.  Or checking in to find out why things feel a little out of sorts with your partner before diving in for the kiss.

Most of the time we are afraid of the answer we will get.  But ultimately, it is less painful to get that answer up front than to deal with the explosion of emotions that happens when we avoid these inquiries and proceed in spite of our gut feelings.  A disappointed expectation is almost always more painful than additional clarity.

So don’t be afraid of the shadows.  All it takes is expanding the light of clarity a little to disarm the dynamite.  Trust your intuition and be your own bomb squad.  Whether your life is a mine field or a smooth road is up to you.

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