8/12/10 – I interview Simon Sinek, author of “Start With Why,†about the role why plays in inspiring people. LISTEN NOW!
Beginning as a student in anthropology, Simon turned his fascination with people into a career of convincing people to do what inspires them. His earliest work was in advertising, moving on to start Sinek Partners in 2002, but he suddenly lost his passion despite earning solid income. Connecting with his “Why” made all the difference.
9/2/10 -Â Gay Hendricks: Â Author, Educator & President – The Hendricks Institute. LISTEN NOW!

Gay Hendricks
Imagine you are on your deathbed pondering the question, “Was my life a complete success?†If the answer is that it was not, what would be the things you’d wish had happened that would have made it a success? Gay shares with us how to take this simple scenario and determine for ourselves what are our Five Wishes.  The result is a simple process that anyone can use to find wealth, wisdom, and a joyful, fulfilled life. Gay Hendricks, Ph.D., has served for more than 35 years as one of the major contributors to the fields of relationship transformation and bodymind therapies. Along with his wife, Dr. Kathlyn Hendricks, Gay is the co-author of many bestsellers, including Conscious Loving and Five Wishes. He is the author of 33 books, including The Corporate Mystic, Conscious Living and The Big Leap. Dr. Hendricks received his Ph.D. in counseling psychology from Stanford in 1974. After a twenty-one-year career as a professor of Counseling Psychology at University Colorado, he and Kathlyn founded The Hendricks Institute, which is based in Ojai, California and offers seminars worldwide. Connect with Gay’s work here: The Hendricks Institute
9/16/10 – Alison Armstrong – Educating Women About Men. LISTEN NOW!
I have studied and taught about male/female communication and relationship issues for nearly 15 years and Alison Armstrong, Creator of the Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women® workshop series is by far THE EXPERT on demystifying men and women. The information she shares will change your world!  Not only is it powerful information for women on better appreciating men, but it helps men understand themselves better too. Sign up to attend a FREE  Making Sense of Men seminar in your area.
Don’t live in an area where the free Making Sense of Men seminars are held? Â No worries, all the information from the seminar plus more is available in the book: Making Sense of Men: A Woman’s Guide to a Lifetime of Love, Care and Attention from all Men
Born in Laguna Beach, California in 1960, Alison Armstrong has been designing and leading transformational programs for adults for over 20 years. In 1995, after four years of studying men for her personal benefit, she created the Celebrating Men, Satisfying Women workshop to share her extraordinary findings with women across the nation. With her friend Joan McClain, a banking executive, she founded PAX Programs Incorporated with the mission of “altering society’s culture by transforming the way women relate to men.â€
October 21st -Â Diane Israel – Beauty Mark – Body Image & the Race for Perfection – LISTEN NOW!
Diane Israel was a very successful professional triathlete and runner for 15 years. After retiring from professional competition, she became a psychotherapist specializing in domestic violence with offenders.  A recovering athletic bulimic, Diane counsels people in physical, mental and spiritual integration. She has made it her mission to provide strong support and guidance for others in the areas of body image, nutrition and rekindling life’s passions and direction. A note from Diane – “Frustrated and exhausted by our culture’s fixation with thinness and external beauty, I set out on a mission to understand this mania.  After years of being a very driven and compulsive athlete, this became my new obsession.  I wondered what our world would be like if all the energy and time we spent seeking fulfillment outside ourselves was turned toward helping others.  Were there others who felt the way I did? With the guidance and support of my childhood neighbor, Carla Precht (who became my Co-Director), and other crew members, I was forced to see that I had to be willing to tell my own story if anyone would believe our film.  I never imagined that my life would become a central thread to this story.  With this film I hope to encourage each of you to ask yourself  ‘what is my unique beauty?’  I am learning that when we begin to live our own Uniqueness, that is Beauty Mark!” Click here to go to www.beautymarkmovie.com Beauty Mark is for anyone who has ever felt invisible because they didn’t conform to our culture’s impossible, unhealthy, abnormal beauty standards. The film examines popular culture’s toxic emphasis on weight and looks through the eyes of Boulder-based psychotherapist and former world-class triathlete Diane Israel, who tells her own story while interviewing other champion athletes, body builders, fashion models and inner-city teens about their experiences relating to self-image.
January 13th, 2011 – Purpose: The ‘Do Not Pass Go’ Key to Your Success in The New Conscious Economy with Lissa Boles – LISTEN NOW!

Lissa Boles – The Soul Mapper
The originator of The Soul Map™, Lissa Boles is the founder and CEO of Soul Full Filled Living, a company dedicated to helping service-based entrepreneurs discover their life’s purpose and the one-of-a-kind path to getting paid well for their passions by being who they already are: the ones we’ve been waiting for. Wise & deeply skilled at connecting the dots in life – and making the mysterious magically make sense – veteran Purpose Coach Lissa Boles breaths fresh new life into the ancient art of astrology. Her contemporary take on it – called Soul Mapping™ – allows anyone to discover what their life purpose is and map out the plan they designed long ago for living it, particularly through inspired business. Using this new take on an ancient art form, Lissa’s also able to reveal and track up-coming opportunities for growth and good-fortune, including options to live each opportunity to optimum win/win advantage, something that’s prompted many a client to call her a purpose-preneurial GPS. Go to The Soul Map.com to learn more.
February 3rd – Lover’s Yoga with America’s Relaxation Expert - Darrin Zeer - LISTEN NOW!
Lovers’ Yoga is similar to traditional partner yoga but with extra oomph. “I want to create that magic that happens between couples when their bodies are together.†says author Darrin Zeer. “There’s an incredible melting and intimacy that happens, but also a profound relaxation.†To encourage closeness without making couples feel uncomfortable, Lovers’ Yoga starts like a tantric workout focusing on fun & play and then progresses slowly to a more intimate level. In “Playful Partner Yoga,†the first of five chapters, couples begin with the “Happy Hug.†By the last one–“Passionate Partner yogaâ€â€“you will be blissfully cuddling up in “Spooning Savasana.†As Zeer says, “Just by doing these simple partner stretches, you’ll be feeling in love with your partner and in love with yourself. It’s a fun journey into more love, intimacy & play with your partner, without stress or struggle.â€
February 10th – Emotional Balance with Dr. Roy Martina – LISTEN NOW!
Emotional Balance: The Path to Inner Peace and Harmony is a practical handbook through a powerful and comprehensive healing system called ‘Omega Healing’ developed by Dr Martina. This preventative system has been acknowledged as one of the most powerful healing techniques currently available. It tackles the root cause of problem—not just the symptoms— by balancing the emotional body and returning to our core essence to restore health, ease and happiness.
Dr Martina has spent the last 25 years studying acupuncture and numerous holistic techniques in order to offer people a profound level of healing that work swiftly and effectively. This work has put him at the leading edge of the holistic and self- help world. In this extraordinary book, he offers the reader a practical guide to understanding and working with the dynamics of unresolved emotions, self-sabotage, karma, blocks to self-healing, chakra balancing, cell-memory, emotional reversal, forgiveness, and true spirituality. It is a walk along the path to inner peace where we are able to restore lost parts of the Soul.
February 17th – Working for Good with author Jeff Klein – LISTEN NOW!
As CEO + Activator of Cause Alliance Marketing, Jeff produces alliance-based marketing programs that drive social and environmental change, while addressing the business objectives of alliance partners. An enthusiastic practitioner and proponent of conscious business, Jeff was one of the visionaries and driving forces behind Private Music (a record company sold to BMG in 1996), the career of musician Yanni, the Spinning fitness program, Seeds of Change (the organic, open pollinated seed company), the ChiRunning fitness program, and FLOW, the nonprofit organization that gave rise to Conscious Capitalism,
Accelerating Women Entrepreneurs™ and Peace Through Commerce. He has consulted for the Esalen Institute, the National Geographic Society, GlobalGiving, the Institute o f Noetic Sciences, and Peace Cereal, among others. Jeff is passionate about connecting, collaborating, and facilitating people and processes to catalyze positive individual, social, and environmental change. Jeff wrote his award-winning book, Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living, to support conscious entrepreneurs, intrapreneurs, leaders, and change agents at work. He is a founding director of Conscious Capitalism, Inc., an organization dedicated to liberating the entrepreneurial spirit for good – co-founded by John Mackey, CEO of Whole Foods Market.