Cheeseburger in Paradise

Posted on 06. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I often use the example making a perfect cheeseburger to explain how we all must find our own answers.  (my apologies to the vegetarians reading this, please feel free to substitute a veggie burger or a portabella mushroom for your example)

My perfect cheeseburger would consist of a plump, juicy beef patty grilled medium on the BBQ grill, served on a toasted onion roll.  The bottom of the onion roll would have a nice layer of garlic infused mayonnaise spread on it.  On top of the burger would be a slice of melted sharp cheddar cheese, grilled onions, sautéed mushrooms, three slices of crisp bacon, topped off with a generous portion of hickory smoked BBQ sauce.  An additional portion of bbq sauce would be served along side for dipping. (more…)

How Does Being Present Change Your Life

Posted on 05. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

What is the big deal about being present?  I get this question, in one form or another, quite often.

The answer is being present is one of the most empowering things you can ever do for yourself.  Seriously.

Answer me this, where do you live your life?  Do you live it yesterday?  Do you live it tomorrow?  Or do you live it today?

OK today.  So let’s take it a step further.  Do you live your life an hour ago, twenty minutes from now or right here in this moment?

Excellent.  So now that we have all agreed that we live our lives in the moment it makes sense that the most powerful place for our awareness to be is present in this moment with us, right? (more…)

I See You

Posted on 04. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

A line in the movie Avatar that became kind of a catch phrase, and the title of the film’s theme song is “I see you.”  It is a way the indigenous characters in the film verbalize an intense connection.

As I left the theater after watching this film I heard people talking about this line and the scene it was in more than anything else other than the groovy 3-D effects.  And I could feel it during the film.  There was a noticeable change in the energy in the theater during this scene.  But why?

Being seen would appear to be a very common occurrence in our day-to-day lives.  Is it? (more…)

Pot Calling The Kettle Black

Posted on 27. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

There is a scene in an episode of the “Friends” television show where Phoebe is having a conversation with Monica and Monica tells Phoebe she really should not be acting a certain way when Monica acts this way all the time herself.  Phoebe, in that wonderfully quixotic way of hers, steps out of the conversation, holds her hand to her ear like a telephone receiver and says, “Oh hello kettle, this is the pot…you’re black.”

I love this scene.  It happens more often than we realize.  We are being the pot and we are not even aware of it. (more…)

Calm Is Not Boring

Posted on 21. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I know people that think calm equals boring.  That being calm is like going through life in neutral.

As you heard on my radio show this week from life-saving expert Diane Sieg, calm stands for:  Clarity, Awareness, Love and Meaning.  Sounds pretty good huh?

Take a minute and apply these words to the things you will be doing today.  Imagine feeling clarity in all your activities. (more…)

Throw Your Scale in The River

Posted on 09. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I was speaking with a friend of mine yesterday and she mentioned she weighed more than she had in a very long time but people were saying that she looked healthy.

She was having to get used to her body feeling different than it had.  And it was strange.

Unfortunately, in our culture we place a great deal of importance on weight.  As if a certain weight equals health.  Now weight obviously plays a role, but it is not the only factor. (more…)

Just another ordinary week…or was it?

Posted on 08. Mar, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I was chatting with a friend on Friday when they asked a fairly standard question.  “How was your week?”  And in my standard unthinking way I said, “Oh it was fine, nothing special.”

Then I started to think.  Was that true?  Had it been just another ordinary week?

I called up the calendar on my computer and took a look. (more…)

Blah, blah, blah…

Posted on 03. Mar, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Have you ever been in a conversation or at a presentation and all you heard was, “blah, blah, blah…blah, blah…blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.”  It was like you were listening to the teacher’s voice in one of those Charlie Brown cartoons.  What do you think when you hear this?  Is it annoying?  Insulting?  A waste of your time?

This blah, blah, blah is often what we hear when we are not being present.  So it is not that the speaker is annoying you or insulting you or wasting your time.  YOU ARE! (more…)

Cake for Breakfast

Posted on 26. Feb, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

A couple days ago I woke up wanting cake for breakfast.  You can’t eat cake for breakfast I thought.  That is just not right.  But it was what I wanted.  Man did I want it.

I ate a banana in an attempt to distract myself from this craving.  Didn’t work.  Maybe a hard boiled egg.  I am just need some protein.  That will take care of things.  Nope.  I simply need more to eat, but it needs to be good for me so how about a bowl of oatmeal.  Well the oatmeal was good, but I still wanted cake.

Screw it!  No one is here to see me eat it anyway. (more…)

Follow the Energy

Posted on 22. Feb, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Have you ever felt like you needed to do something like write a paper for school, clean the house or get a report done for work, but just could not seem to do it. Try as you may, you just could not make it happen.

Everything was easier and more enticing to do than the task at hand. Checking email, doing laundry, doing your taxes, cleaning the office, baking cookies. You name it, virtually anything could distract you from what you wanted to get accomplished.

I was in this exact situation last week as (more…)