How Long Can You Stand to Feel Good?
Posted on 16. Aug, 2010 by Ken Bechtel in The Goo Blog

Julie Colwell, Ph.D.
Katie Hendricks asserts that most of us can stand to feel good for about 4 seconds. At that point, we’ll do something to interrupt the pleasant feeling: create a fear or critical thought, notice what is wrong, even bump into something to cause pain in our bodies.
This is known as the Upper Limit Problem, or ULP. Noticing when we ULP is a first step towards helping our bodies evolve into a higher and higher level of consciousness, one where we walk around living from the reality of what works, what is beautiful, how the world comes forward to meet all of our needs, how every breath in us and our fellow beings is actually a total miracle.
So–how long can you stand to feel good? Time yourself. Watch your thoughts, and see how long you can think only positive things. Listen in on your conversations and see if you and the people you’re speaking with can actually stay focused on what is working. Then–try making it longer. Build your feeling-good muscles.
Guest Blogger –
Julia Colwell, Ph.D., psychologist