Is it all about being first?

Posted on 19. Sep, 2011 by in The Goo Blog

I was walking home after my run this morning when I came across this on the sidewalk.

At first I thought how cute the local kids had run laps around the yard to see who could do the most.  But then I was stopped dead in my tracks when this registered in my head.

First, First, Lost.

I was saddened to think that these children are growing up with the idea that if you aren’t first you LOST.  What ever happened to doing your best and being proud of it.

I personally run a couple of running events a year and I promise you that I have no illusions that I will ever finish first, but that does not take away from the enjoyment I get from running and seeing what is the best I can do on that day.

Look closely and you see that the child who “lost”, Austin, completed just one lap fewer than Lucy and Macy who tied for first.

Now I am sure there is more to the choice of these words than meets the eye.  It may have been innocence or vengeance or simply a limited vocabulary to choose from.

I am not advocating prizes for everyone who starts the event, but what I saw on the sidewalk today is another sign of how we are perpetuating a dichotomous world.

What do you think?  How do you view your performance if you do not finish first?

No Such Thing As Unhappierness

Posted on 29. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I have set the intention to be honest with myself about my next steps in business and life. Everything from creating new products and that they will have value, to not drinking alcohol and eating better. Things are changing. But not really. I am just letting the true me come forward. It surprises me at times.

I am not sure what my diet will end up consisting of, but it is clearly shifting. I am a little worried about how it will appear to others. Again pre-judging others for me. I think eating consciously and not drinking alcohol will look all woo woo and superior and that others will not like me for it or not be able to relate to me, but that is just fear. (more…)

Hello Misery, let me see when I can fit you in my schedule

Posted on 20. Mar, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I was just talking with a friend of mine who was having a hard time due to an old boyfriend who was back in town.

She was going through the standard mental gyrations of :  What if I run into him?  What will I say?  I don’t want to get involved with him again.? Etc.  She was miserable.

As the conversation continued, she said something that I found profound.  She said, “ I am really busy right now with work, I don’t have time for this.” (more…)

Dealing with Change

Posted on 06. Feb, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I had lunch with my friend, Jill,  yesterday.  It was good to see her and catch up, but for some reason I left our time together feeling very sad.  At first I could not figure out why.  Jill is someone I care for and think a great deal of.  I usually feel great when I get together with her and can’t wait to see her again.  This time I was not sure when or if I wanted to see her again.

She was in this huge negative victim space.  Not fun to be around.

Later in the day I was telling another friend, Sandy, about this situation and she helped me see what was happening. (more…)