You Never Know…

Posted on 04. Mar, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

As I was sending out notices about my radio show premiering via email last week, I received a number of undeliverable notices.  I was not surprised.  In light of the recent economic upheaval many folks who I only had work email addresses for were no longer employed where I thought they were.  But for some reason one notice I received made me want to dig.

It was a notice that my email to a woman named Cheryl Glassner had permanent errors and would not be delivered.  

Cheryl and I had met in Sedona AZ in 2006.  I was attending a conference there and myself and my business partner connected with Cheryl and her business partner.  They were from Louisville, Kentucky and we talked about our work as spiritual healers and counselor and even discussed traveling to Louisville to conduct some classes together.  Well that never happened, but we stayed in touch.

I wondered why her email did not work since Cheryl ran her own business as a healer, intuitive and teacher and, as far as I knew, that had not changed.  So off to Google I went looking for how to contact her.  The search went through and lots of results came up.  The usual suspects, newspaper publicity, some benefits she had been involved in and there it was.  Cheryl Glassner obituary.  I was certain it must be a different Cheryl Glassner, but I clicked on it anyway just to make sure.

Nope it was her.  Cheryl had passed away just five weeks ago at the age of 57.  I was shocked and saddened. She was someone I was looking forward to telling about my radio show.  She had always been a supporter of my work and I knew she would be excited for me, but you just never know.

You never know if you are going to get another opportunity to see someone again or speak with them.  So though it sounds cliche’, it is worth the reminder because more often than not we forget.  Take the time to appreciate the people in your life and let them know you appreciate them every time you see or speak with them.

It is so easy to forget to do this.  I have had over 30 people, mostly family, pass away in my short lifetime and I still forget.  It may seem odd at the time, but it will save you some tears of regret later.

Blessings to you Cheryl Glassner.  Thank you for all your support.  And thank you for being such a beautiful light of hope and healing for so many people this lifetime.  Peace!

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