Listen for one minute a day

Posted on 12. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

What if you gave yourself one minute a day to listen.  Not read or write or think or improve or exercise.  Just listen.

When I stop for even a minute and listen I am reminded of what is important.  Right now I stopped to listen and the sound of birds singing outside my window came forward and the sound of road construction a block away, that had been dominating my awareness all morning, fell into the background.

Also the chatter in my head goes away when I just listen and my intuitive guidance comes forward and is heard.

What if you had a mentor who knew everything. saw everything and had done everything?  Would that be worth listening to? That is intuitive guidance.

Intuitive guidance is the voice that speaks to you without words.  It brings you information words cannot express.  It is best heard when we stop doing and listen.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart said, “Silence is very important. The silence between the notes is as important as the notes themselves.”  If you don’t listen to the silence you will not appreciate the notes.

Sometimes the chatter in my head goes away and nothing comes forward.  That too is a gift.

Listening is free, but it is worth a fortune.  It is truly priceless what you receive when you stop and listen.  Give it a shot, you may find a fortune in the process.

Listening is pretty amazing and 60 seconds is really all you need to do it. Try it yourself and let me know what you experience.

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