Posted on 23. Aug, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Recent email I received:  “I have been thinking about this lately, how or when we lose it- the ability to follow our intuition?” – Amy

Good question.  So good, in fact, that I am sharing the answer I gave with you all.

This question is a great example of not trusting your intuition.

See the intellect wants there to be “the answer” for this question, but intuition tells us there is only YOUR ANSWER. Everyone has there own answer to how, when or if they lose their ability to follow their intuition.

BTW – No one ever looses it altogether because there are always some gut feelings (intuition) that we follow and trust.

Ultimately, it does not really matter when, how of if you loose connection with your intuition. What matters is that, when you are ready, you decide to start trusting it more. A good way to start is to reflect back on times when you have trusted your intuition, your gut, in the recent past.

When did you decide to grab your umbrella before heading out, even though there was not a cloud in the sky, and then were glad you did when it started to rain. When did you trust your gut to not eat something because “it just seemed off?” Maybe you trusted your gut to wear a certain color that you normally don’t wear and then received many compliments and validations for your choice.

This exercise will remind you that you are not as disconnected with your intuition as you thought. You recognize that you are actually pretty good at tapping into your intuition and can build on the connection with intuition you already have.

I suggest you don’t worry about identifying when or how you reduced your ability to follow your intuition. That is just your intellect’s way of distracting you from your goal.

If you want to connect more regularly with following your intuition, start by reminding yourself and appreciating where you already do it.

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