Trusting in the Authenticity of your Experience

Posted on 14. Sep, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Guest Blogger Joshua Scott Onysko

By Joshua Scott Onysko

If we could breech the boundaries of time and look back on our childhood experiences with fresh eyes, we would see that our relationship to our experiences were authentic.  Authenticity has many faces, but the one we are looking at now is the authenticity of trust.  As we mature, our minds tend to form these check points that  act as filters to our experiences; these check points start to take over for the trust we once had for the true experiences we once enjoyed.

We gain trust in this process because it makes us feel more in control of the circumstances that we are engulfed in every day, but the truth is…we are not in control.  Sure we can make educated decisions that play out in a certain way, but in the end there is always a larger picture that the myopic view will never see.

How many times in your life have you wanted to make a change, big or small, and your mind went through this list of all of the reasons you shouldn’t try?  For example, you said to yourself, “Oh, somebody else must have already thought of that;” or “That will never work;” or “I’ll never make ends meet,” etc.  We all have at one point or another.  Well, it’s time to break free from the bonds of our past experiences and to realize the opportunities we have today are new; and today is not a waiting room for tomorrow.  We will only find freedom when we free ourselves from mental slavery and find liberation in new experiences.

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