The Greatest Is Love

Posted on 13. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I recently received this in an email from one of my mentors – Mary Morrissey – and I wanted to share it with you all.  Enjoy

The apostle Paul said that there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love. But the greatest of them all is love. Then he said put love first.

Having hope and having faith are like keys that unlock the door to our awareness of love’s presence. The interesting thing about love is that love will never be more present for us than it is right now, but we can become more aware of it. When our heart is filled with faith and our mind is focused on hope, the awareness of love’s presence absolutely amplifies.

Love is not only with us but a companion to walk with in our day. I wish you a wonderful faith, hope and love filled day.

Courtesy of Mary Morrissey –

Listen for one minute a day

Posted on 12. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

What if you gave yourself one minute a day to listen.  Not read or write or think or improve or exercise.  Just listen.

When I stop for even a minute and listen I am reminded of what is important.  Right now I stopped to listen and the sound of birds singing outside my window came forward and the sound of road construction a block away, that had been dominating my awareness all morning, fell into the background.

Also the chatter in my head goes away when I just listen and my intuitive guidance comes forward and is heard.

What if you had a mentor who knew everything. saw everything and had done everything?  Would that be worth listening to? That is intuitive guidance. (more…)

Cheeseburger in Paradise

Posted on 06. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I often use the example making a perfect cheeseburger to explain how we all must find our own answers.  (my apologies to the vegetarians reading this, please feel free to substitute a veggie burger or a portabella mushroom for your example)

My perfect cheeseburger would consist of a plump, juicy beef patty grilled medium on the BBQ grill, served on a toasted onion roll.  The bottom of the onion roll would have a nice layer of garlic infused mayonnaise spread on it.  On top of the burger would be a slice of melted sharp cheddar cheese, grilled onions, sautéed mushrooms, three slices of crisp bacon, topped off with a generous portion of hickory smoked BBQ sauce.  An additional portion of bbq sauce would be served along side for dipping. (more…)

How Does Being Present Change Your Life

Posted on 05. May, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

What is the big deal about being present?  I get this question, in one form or another, quite often.

The answer is being present is one of the most empowering things you can ever do for yourself.  Seriously.

Answer me this, where do you live your life?  Do you live it yesterday?  Do you live it tomorrow?  Or do you live it today?

OK today.  So let’s take it a step further.  Do you live your life an hour ago, twenty minutes from now or right here in this moment?

Excellent.  So now that we have all agreed that we live our lives in the moment it makes sense that the most powerful place for our awareness to be is present in this moment with us, right? (more…)

Calm Is Not Boring

Posted on 21. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I know people that think calm equals boring.  That being calm is like going through life in neutral.

As you heard on my radio show this week from life-saving expert Diane Sieg, calm stands for:  Clarity, Awareness, Love and Meaning.  Sounds pretty good huh?

Take a minute and apply these words to the things you will be doing today.  Imagine feeling clarity in all your activities. (more…)

Resistance Is Futile

Posted on 20. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Many people I know are experts at resisting change.  I definitely qualify as a change resistor at times.  I am sure you know a few folks like this as well.

This resistance always makes me laugh, because if I told them I was going to take away their right to change they would fight me tooth and nail to keep it.

We hate hearing that we have to choose what we want by a certain date because after that date we can’t change our choice.  Even if our right to change is restricted for only a year, like with health insurance, we are uncomfortable with this limitation.

Change is why we are here in this life.  I mean, what would be the point of living if we never changed?  We would just be a bunch of little, uncoordinated, inarticulate bundles of human.  If we did not change, we would be new born babies our entire life. (more…)

Throw Your Scale in The River

Posted on 09. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I was speaking with a friend of mine yesterday and she mentioned she weighed more than she had in a very long time but people were saying that she looked healthy.

She was having to get used to her body feeling different than it had.  And it was strange.

Unfortunately, in our culture we place a great deal of importance on weight.  As if a certain weight equals health.  Now weight obviously plays a role, but it is not the only factor. (more…)

The Greatest Gift Ever!

Posted on 03. Apr, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

When you see a butterfly do you see the caterpillar that it was?  When you see a caterpillar, do you see the butterfly it will be?

Whether you do or not really makes no difference.  Because the butterfly and the caterpillar are what they are, no matter what you think.

The way you can most honor the butterfly, the caterpillar or anything else is to see it for what it is in present time.  Recognize the greatness that it is right now.  Not what it was in the past or what it has the potential to be in the future. (more…)

Hello Misery, let me see when I can fit you in my schedule

Posted on 20. Mar, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I was just talking with a friend of mine who was having a hard time due to an old boyfriend who was back in town.

She was going through the standard mental gyrations of :  What if I run into him?  What will I say?  I don’t want to get involved with him again.? Etc.  She was miserable.

As the conversation continued, she said something that I found profound.  She said, “ I am really busy right now with work, I don’t have time for this.” (more…)

Taking the day off

Posted on 18. Mar, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

I decided to take the day off and go play in the mountains yesterday.  I was so excited to go play that I did not sleep well the night before.  All the ideas and plans for how I would make the most of the day were rifling through my head.

I woke early to make the most of the Spring sunshine and found myself so tired I had to lay back down.  So much for plan number one of starting early.

Once I finally woke up and got the day started I decided to head to a local hot springs for a soak.  I booked an hour in a private bath figuring that would be a good prelude to an early afternoon of hiking or snow shoeing in the mountains. (more…)