Ho’oponopono Rocks!

Posted on 24. Feb, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

So here I was in the middle of a past-life meltdown.  Beating myself up for what I had done in a particular past life. (it was not pretty)  And sitting in victimhood.  Believing I could not possibly be released and forgiven having done such a horrible thing.  (let’s just say there were more than a few deaths that I had a fairly direct roll in during this particular past-life)

My friend Claudia suggested I do Ho’oponopono to forgive myself and release this limiting energy.  Here is what she told me:

Ho’oponopono operates from the idea that we are 100% energetically responsible for what happens around us and to us. If you feel yourself being surrounded by adversity, or if any of your lower level energies are knocking, or if you are having a fight with someone, etc. it is all an outer manifestation of a program or story that you are running. Ho’oponopono gives you the opportunity to address this on a universe/energy level. Kind of like a ritualized soul to soul if you will. Whenever something funky comes up you repeat the following four sentences:

1. I am sorry. (for what happened or is going on)

2. Please forgive me. (my role in it/my manifesting it)

3. I love you.

4. Thank you. (for showing me where I need to heal in myself)

The most important ones being I love you and thank you. Shifting into this mindset allows you to simply release the old programming.

Well it worked like crazy.  The shift was immediate and complete.  It assisted me in forgiving something I had been beating myself up about for lifetimes.

Thank you Claudia!  Thank you Ho’oponopono!  Thank you Universe!

If you have any issue that has been keeping you down and flogging you, give this a go.  You won’t be disappointed.

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