You Can’t Give What You Don’t Have

Posted on 02. Jun, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Being yourself and sharing your gifts can be like turning on a light in poorly lit room full of people.  As the daylight fades and the light in the room diminishes, some people do not care that there is less light, some people are happy the light is fading and others are disappointed that it is getting darker and harder to see.  When you walk in, radiating your brilliance it is like turning on the lights.

To those who did not care that the light was going away, this additional light does not matter.  They are fine either way.  To those who were excited about the diminishing light they are annoyed.  They moan and complain. “What did you have to do that for?” they ask.  “We prefer the dark.  It is easier to not see then.”  Ah but to those who were disappointed that it was getting darker and more difficult to see, to them you are amazing.

These are the people for whom your light resonates.

So you have a choice.  Who are you there to serve?  The indifferent are not your concern since they cannot be satisfied anyway.  The big choice is do you serve those who are excited to receive your light or the moaners and complainers who tell you to turn the light back off?

Often there are many, many more complainers and they are very vocal.  Trying to serve them is like pushing string.  It takes a great deal of effort for very little results.  But with the ones who are excited to receive your light, they are running with you.  They are actually pulling you to them.  They have been looking for you.

What if there are only a handful of excited folks and hundreds or thousands of complainers?  How can you disregard the masses?

Remember this:  If you turn your light off and diminish yourself, no one is served, least of all you.  Instead you are stifled and repressed, in constant effort trying to hide your light.  But by continuing to shine your light and share your gifts you serve all.  You are an example to all that light is a possibility.

You cannot give what you do not have.  You are light so you cannot give darkness.  Give what you have without fear or justification.  No one is served when you hide what you have.  Everyone is served when you give.

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