Ho’oponopono Rocks!

Posted on 24. Feb, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

So here I was in the middle of a past-life meltdown.  Beating myself up for what I had done in a particular past life. (it was not pretty)  And sitting in victimhood.  Believing I could not possibly be released and forgiven having done such a horrible thing.  (let’s just say there were more than a few deaths that I had a fairly direct roll in during this particular past-life)

My friend Claudia suggested I do Ho’oponopono to forgive myself and release this limiting energy.  Here is what she told me: (more…)

Love is Never Wrong

Posted on 10. Feb, 2010 by in The Goo Blog

Motivation is fear based.  As my friend and mentor Michael Tamura says  Everyone can run to some extent.  And if a bear was chasing you, you would run the fastest you ever have.  You are motivated to do it because you fear for your life.

Fear is a low level energy.  It is not a high level energy like excitement, or enthusiasm or inspiration.

Inspiration, however, (more…)